Third Sunday of Easter, April 14, 2024 ~ Virtual worship at 10:30 am 

livestreaming on Facebook

Preacher: Minister Myra Flemister, preaching for Wellspring Church in Centreville VA

Sermon:  Blessed Are the Flexible

Scripture: Luke 24:36b-48 

Worship Leader: Becca Shen

Musician:  Emily Chen; Technology: John Shen; April Pastoral Care:  Denise Kirkley-Cain 


Sunday, 4/14, 12:30 pm:  Meeting of Wellspring Council

New book discussion beginning May 8: Wednesday May 8, 10:30 am:  Living the Questions group to discuss Bernard B. Scott, Religious History of Abortion.  Join us by zoom or in-person. Email for more info:afoltzva@verizon.net

NEXT Sunday, April 22, 10:30 am, in-person worship, with Pastor Dr. Al Fuertes preaching.

Wellspring worships in-person at St. Johns Church, 6649 Mt. Gilead Rd., Centreville VA  #217-218


  • Please pray for those who are ill or recovering, especially Emily, Josie, and Denise. 
  • Special prayers for Helen and Hollie and all their family and friends in their loss. Also for the Rodgers family, in the loss of father. Pray for God’s strength to surround these families with Love and Light that never ends.   
  • We pray for all the victims of the war in Israel and Palestine/Gaza.  The violence is horrific, and we pray for leaders to act with wisdom and commitment to peace, justice, and respect for life.
  • Take action by sending a message to Congress and the President. Here is a suggested form from UCC Global Ministries; it can be used to ask for a cease-fire and aid for health and rebuilding. Hear this short message from Dr. Mitri Raheb, Palestinian Christian leader and theologian.
  • We pray for our EARTH, which sustains us even as we damage it with pollutants and use of fossil fuels that damage air, water, plants, and animals.  We pray with hope for future generations!   Check the UCC Principles for Environmental Justice, relevant for generations!  
  • Prayers of joy for the reuniting of the Cobo family from Guatemala (Jacinto, Elena, Sindy, Diego) joining their sons and brothers, Marvin and Edgar, after separation at the border 6 years ago.  Please let Alice know if you can offer occasional transportation. (arranged at your convenience!)    
  • We pray for peace in Ukraine.  We pray that our gifts will reach and give them hope even in these dark times.  Give through the UCC Ukraine Relief Fund.  
  • We pray for the many victims of gun violence in too many times and places: share a message and prayer from leaders of the UCC, with a call for gun reforms.  Wellspring has long supported reforms in gun control, and supports groups lobbying for changes that save lives.  
  • We pray for Wellspring’s partners in Colombia, especially for Pastor David in Ibague and for our sister church in Zambrano.  We pray for the growth of peace and justice across Colombia. We pray for the work of our partners in mission through Justapaz and the UCC-DOC Global Ministries, Martin, Pablo, Xiomara and Alex.  
  • We pray with our partners in Puerto Rico, including the Disciples of Christ Church of Puerto Rico and the United Evangelical Church of Puerto Rico. They have long worked with youth and schools, and now are expanding work to strengthen fammilies at risk. Our partners also train local churches to serve as disaster relief centers, for restoration after the hurricanes that devastated many PR communities. Click on the link for more information!


Contribute to the on-going work of Wellspring through Givelify!   Help us to grow and to share God’s message of welcome!   Wellspring is Open and Affirming to all, wherever we are on life’s journey.  We speak for God’s justice and love for God’s whole creation.  Our ministry is multi-racial, multi-ethnic, and caring for all God’s children, through our prayers, offerings, and actions.  Donations can be designated for specific mission projects, including support help our sponsored immigrant family get started in their life in our community.    This month (March-April) we ask for special donations to One Great Hour of Sharing, the annual offering that supports Global Ministries and disaster responses around the world. Our Global Ministry staff and international partners direct funds tto thosoe most in need, with no “overhead” or loss through corruption. On Givelify, you can direct your offering of any size to One Great Hour of Sharing. The “loaves and fish” are multiplied!

Mission & Vision Statement 2022
Wellspring strives to express God’s boundless love through affirmation, transformation, and discovery. Wellspring’s mission is to seek and affirm relevant Christian faith for the 21st century, to build a transformative community that nurtures and heals, and to discover and work for social and environmental justice and peace.